My Story
I've always been a different sort of lass. Strong willed some would say. Or Spirited. Dreamer. Boundary pusher. Big thinker. Visionary.
Despite the largeness of my life, I've also always walked a fine line between determinedly "doing it all", and taking time to smell the roses - or take spontaneous car trips, shopping sprees, and beach days. Exhibit A: my senior year of school saw me take all examined subjects in academics, have large extra curricular commitments, hold down a part time job and play sports. But when it came time to chose a University degree - I chose one with the lowest tertiary entrance ranking, with the widest scope for generalized people work, so that I did not need to be concerned with the pressure of doing well in my exams, but rather could relish in attending as many Christian camps and interstate music trips and parties with my friends as possible at the same time!
Many call that smart. Some call it lazy. Others say I wasted my talent. I enjoyed my life!
And I still do.
Everyone has choices before them everyday and what we chose determines part of the path ahead. We can always chose again in the future, but we will never get this one moment back. So make sure you know what you want - chase it and if you find it unfulfilling, or not how you expected, reassess what you want and chose again! Living with no regrets is freeing and fulfilling; knowing all you did was your best choice.
Being one that is busy and driven and looks to the big picture means I've been many places, taken many courses, quite a few jobs and voluntary positions. Not the least of these being my current role of 'mother' - which as we all know has the blessings and burdens to keep it balanced.
I find myself making more of those choices again - and as I make them, also asking what kind of life do I want for myself, for my family, my children, my marriage? I know I enjoy working - but not full time right now. Not with small ones that still need attention most of the time, and especially at bed time and school drop off and pick up.
And I know that I have skills and resources and talents that enrich other people's lives when I use them - but all the roles I look at want me on their terms, with little flexibility and certainly not working from home even some of the time. Some people can offer me money if I will sell this or that for them, but I've found that empty too - my life purpose and passion is caught up in helping others, and it seeing people free to live their best life.
So enter Anna Kroehn - just me. I never imagined I was a business. Until someone told me I could be. And another someone told me it actually wasn't that hard (that may have been a small lie from them!). And then I believed that I was worth it - and the life we wanted (for our family) was worth it too.
I have things I can do - and they are worth paying for. I will even do some of them for free (and often do - motherhood again!), especially when the cause is close to my heart, or the bank balance of another is not flush enough to afford my services. I know the freedoms or new life or new purpose my gift or service could bring will be worth so much more than money could ever buy!
I know who I am and my limitations and capabilities. I would love to serve you and see your self, your team or your organisation become a better version of itself. I live to see people grow and change and enjoy their lives more.
Let's talk about making it happen.