Hi there.
Welcome to my work space, advertising bill board, thinking out loud space and online presence.
I'm Anna Kroehn and I'd love to get to know you.
Have a look around and see what I can do for you: your organisation, your team or your workplace.
I love to tailor solutions to meet needs, and no project is too big or too small. Just ask me!
Where my skills don't meet your needs, I also work with a lovely bunch of collaborators who I can refer you to or with whom I can work to bring you a team approach to your needs.
Who am I?
Currently living in Waikerie, South Australia - approximately 2 hours from Adelaide into the beautiful Riverland - I have a Pastor husband in the Lutheran Church of Australia and 3 wonderful, challenging children (Master almost 11, Miss 9 going on 19 and Master 6). We enjoy our crazy cat Ayah and one of our family goals right now is living a life that is more active yet relaxing! We also always aim to bring the fun and look for humour.
We like bike rides, swimming at the local pool and discovering new playgrounds. We also like to play music - for fun at home or in church, and we have a significantly stocked craft room at the ready whenever we feel the need to paint, sew or scrapbook anything!
Full photo credit to the amazing Rachel Esther Photography.
At any other time, I can be found in the kitchen cooking up a storm, entertaining guests or hanging out in community spaces - think the library, park or youth centre. We enjoy to play games of all kinds: on the ipad or wii, and board and card games - and generally love to have fun and enjoy each other.
Personally, I love to travel and stay in lovely hotels. For work or pleasure, being on the road is an enjoyable past time. But nothing beats home!
For a full professional work history, please request a copy of my CV.
Snap shots of my highlights reel exist in the work history page.